
Holy Shit!

Merry Christmas and Frieden auf Erden! What a wish! Oftmals for the trash. There is no kind of Frieden in any Fußgängerzone all over the country. People with very aggressive Gesichtsausdrücke on their way to buy unlovely shit for their Liebsten. Das Fest of love. Verpackt at Douglas. Je teurer desto better. And they are running! For the best tree, the best Geschenk, the best Gans on her bioway to the Backofen. Stopfing the Vogel before stopfing yourself. Neujahr you have to jammering while standing on the Waage and starting with New Years Vorsätze the Brigitte Diät. Nothing to do with loving. It´s only hetzing, kaufing, fressing and Glühwein saufing with or without Schuss.

After the time of Vorbereiting the big day is da. The beginning of Besuching. First Eltern then Schwiegereltern, Oma, Opa, Onkel, Tanten. Grinsing, thanking, stressvermeiding. Nowadays it is noch more anstrengend because of Corona. Every ungewachstinated hat a blinking light on their Kopf which screams „Danger, danger, danger“. Believing is alles. Germany is the gefühlt only Land with no end.

Frieden auf Erden, so starting schickmaching and Kirchgoing. So important, zu besinnen, nachzuthinken, what´s the Sinn of Christmas? Us is today the Heiland geboren. Modern Inszenierung in the Gotteshaus with Pampers and „Ey Aldaa, Josef! Krasses Kind, Aldaa! Yo Maria, was geht?“ Schpending, goodfühling.

On the Heimweg talking about Bescheidenheit, anfeinding the konsumgeile Gesellschaft. And a team work smiling with kuhäugige Blicke. „We only give us Kleinigkeiten.“ We need the money for the Heizkosten.

At the Geschenke auspacking comes the Wahrheit ans Licht. A Mount Everest of Geschenkpapier. Filled with Spielekonsolen, Designer-Fummling and gendertaugliche Schokomenschen. Real freuing or gespieltes freuing. „Das wäre doch nicht nötig gewesen!“ instead of „Ist das wirklich nötig gewesen?“

But you have to be nett. Problems at Festivitäten like Christmas with the Verwandschaft sitting you under an emotional Druck.

Christmas punch can handle it. But please have your limit any time for Augen. Otherwise it could be very stressig for everybody. Long overstaute problems came to Tage and then you can smell the Krieg in to the candle pregnant air. Often the schlecht erzogenen children makes the Startschuss. Talking about den little versauten Martin-Sören-Oliver, who wants to build his new Murmelbahn into Lisa-Maries Schlüpfer. Backholding Empöring about the misrating children. Totally drunk Tante Else: „That comes from the Alkohol problem of his Vater with verkrüppelte Spermien. Such themes are the beginning from the Ende.

Next Opfer is Onkel Heiner. He always wants to have it, never gets it cause of his little Schwanz. That ist the Grund why his wife Tante Uschi (böse ones who thinks about Muschi) has an Affaire with the Hasenzüchter Teddy from the next Dorf. Rammeling statt Stummelding. More Punsch ausschenking makes it not better. Brülling, streiting, overcooking. Schimpfing with Oma Ulla because of kleckering Rotwein on the white Auslegeware. Glasholding difficults with Parkinson. Flüstering about the bedauernswerten Zustand. Only Opa Franz ist laching about all the fremde Leute. Sometimes Vergesslichkeit can be the holy shit.

Suddenly someone starts heuling about something and everybody wants trösting, forgetting all the other Mist. Happy that someone is noch schlechter dran. So you have the perfect ending of an unperfect starting, everybody wants to umarming and give a warm Verabschieding with „Frieden auf Erden“!

Happy Christmas and I hope you could improve your Englischkenntnisse!

3 Gedanken zu „Holy Shit!“

  1. Es sind die kleinen, aber wertvollsten Dinge im Leben, die unbezahlbar sind und niemand einem, aus der Erinnerung, wegnehmen kann.
    „Höflichkeit und Freundlichkeit“ kann soviel Gutes bezwecken und kostet nichts. Ein kleines Lächeln vom Herzen, ein Dankeschön.. Das ist mittlerweile eine Seltenheit, was aufrecht zu erhalten ist, daher folge den Sternen und dem Herzen,
    frohe Weihnachten

    Gefällt 1 Person

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